
True Lives of Performers I - III

True Lives of Performers, season III, log in & drop out, performanceproject in collaboration with Maximiliane Baumgartner, Galerie Deborah Schamoni, abc Berlin 2014 (stage: Julian Göthe)

True Lives of Performers, season III, log in & drop out, performanceproject in collaboration with Maximiliane Baumgartner, Galerie Deborah Schamoni, abc Berlin 2014 (stage: Julian Göthe)

True Lives of Performers, season III, log in & drop out, performanceproject in collaboration with Maximiliane Baumgartner, Galerie Deborah Schamoni, abc Berlin 2014 (stage: Julian Göthe)

True Lives of Performers, season III, log in & drop out, performanceproject in collaboration with Maximiliane Baumgartner, Galerie Deborah Schamoni, abc Berlin 2014 (stage: Julian Göthe)

True Lives of Performers, season II, bold & beautiful - liberally exhausted, performanceproject in collaboration with Maximiliane Baumgartner, Galerie Deborah Schamoni München, 2014

True Lives of Performers, season II, bold & beautiful - liberally exhausted, performanceproject in collaboration with Maximiliane Baumgartner, Galerie Deborah Schamoni München, 2014

True Lives of Performers, season II, bold & beautiful - liberally exhausted, performanceproject in collaboration with Maximiliane Baumgartner, Galerie Deborah Schamoni München, 2014

True Lives of Performers, season II, bold & beautiful - liberally exhausted, performanceproject in collaboration with Maximiliane Baumgartner, Galerie Deborah Schamoni München, 2014

True Lives of Performers, season I, performanceproject in collaboration with Maximiliane Baumgartner, Galerie Deborah Schamoni München, 2013

True Lives of Performers, season I, performanceproject in collaboration with Maximiliane Baumgartner, Galerie Deborah Schamoni München, 2013

True Lives of Performers, season I, performanceproject in collaboration with Maximiliane Baumgartner, Galerie Deborah Schamoni München, 2013

True Lives of Performers
season I – III
Eine Performancereihe von Maximiliane Baumgartner & Mirja Reuter

Die Performancereihe True Lives of Performers ist im Titel dem berühmten Film von Yvonne Rainer Lives of Performers (1972) entlehnt und nutzt den dramatischen Aufbau des südamerikanischen Telenovelaformats, um die eigene Situation als Künstlerinnen und den Arbeitsbegriff aus der Sicht von Performerinnen zu untersuchen und ironisch zu dramatisieren.
Dialogtexte bekannter deutscher, aber auch internationaler TV- Serien fließen ein in eine eigene Produktion von szenischen Dialogen, Video - und Soundclips, die in jeder Staffel live performt werden. Das Aufgreifen von Stilmitteln, wie der des Cliffhangers im medialen Szenenbild, steht ebenso wie das Aushandeln von Affekten und deren übergeordneten Ökonomien, als Pate für diese Performancereihe und wird darin zum stilitischen Programm erhoben. Verwoben mit den alltäglichen Verrichtungen von Arbeit bringt der Austragungsort der Performance selbst in die Inhalte der verhandelten Tv-Typen einen nicht unerheblichen character ein.

True Lives of Performers
season I – III
A performance series by Maximiliane Buamgartner & Mirja Reuter

A series of performances by Maximiliane Baumgartner and Mirja Reuter, the title of which is adapted from Yvonne Rainer’s film Lives of Performers (1972). Using the seasonal framework of Latin American telenovelas, they reflect on their own situation as artists and analyse the working conditions from the perspective of the performer subjecting themselves to their own dramatisiation.
Fragments of dialogue from well-known German and international TV series flow into scenes, video and sound-clips, which are performed live in each season. The adaption of stylistic devices, such as the cliffhanger and repetition in mise-en-scène, as well as a negotiation with the economy of affect are core to this ongoing project. In deploying these devices, Baumgartner and Reuter contemplate their use beyond a western context; thwarting the original Latin American context of the telenovela format. Entangled in the labour of one’s own daily life, the particular spaces where the performances happen - for instance a gallery, art fair or project space - bring as a fictional dimension a non-negligible characteristic to the content of disputed television personalities.